Survivalist Christmas Gift Ideas

The season of Christmas is here and you’re likely planning on giving people some gifts again. Whether you’ve decided to hand over presents for your family or friends, be practical. To show your concern for your loved ones, some of what you may want them to receive are those to help them manage better. As a survivalist or someone who cares, you may want to give presents that can help people survive longer.
This isn’t something that will give the impression that you’ve got a bleak outlook of the future at all. It can be your way of saying that you value their lives. Besides, in most cases, the items that survivalists buy are often appreciated by many. So, when you’re buying a present for someone, you may want to remember these things.

Tactical Flashlight

Nowadays, people have flashlights inside of their homes. But, sure enough, not everyone has tactical models available. What makes these different than the usual ones is that they give brighter lights. That is to say that the best conventional flashlights may only have 100 lumens. Tactical ones, though, have 200 lumens at least and can make 50 feet of darkness visible. Aside from that, often, tactical lights are unique in structure. They have grooves and are thicker for self-defense purposes. Some of them are even equipped with a taser feature. Plus, they have different light modes. There is high and medium illumination. Plus, to relay messages through blinks, there are the SOS and strobe modes.

Expedition Food

This is a great gift for preppers out there and even those who only want to boost their preparedness. Why? It’s because food is almost always appreciated. That with adequate nutrients for survival purposes is even superior. Expedition food packs come in different sizes. Also, they are often sold as high-calorie supplies. This means that, with them, you won’t feel hunger and even reach your caloric requirements. But if you’re going to buy some for your loved ones, get those that aren’t expired. Get only from reliable sellers. Likewise, choose the tried and proven products instead of new and attractive ones. More so, consider the diet restrictions of the people whom you want to receive these packs. After all, different expedition food bags have unique ingredients. Some might be allergic to specific things incorporated in some of them.

Combat or Tactical Knife

There are many blades that you can buy for those you care about but these two types are the best. That is in matters relating to survival. That’s because these knives can help a person manage difficult situations. Make no mistake, though, these two kinds aren’t alike at all. In most cases, combat blades are for fighting. Though you can use them for other practical purposes, their build is for combat. The shape of their handles makes it easy to maneuver for defense and offense. Tactical knives, though, allows you to have a knife for combat and a utility tool. That means you can use it not only to defend yourself but also cut rope and wood. Either is great for backpackers and campers.

Published by stayalivepaul

My name is Paul Kwauk, a graduate of BSCS at the Ateneo de Manila University. I'm currently a survivalist and hobbyist blogger. I may appear serious but I'm a fun-loving guy. My goal is to spread optimism, positivity, and practicalness through "Stay Alive Paul". I sincerely hope that you enjoy your stay on my page.

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