Important Daily Cleaning Reminders

Sometimes, some of the vital productivity tips are the most basic ones. One of what you could use in life is how to clean your home best. You have to understand that hygiene is very important. Poor cleanliness means susceptibility to disease. Sanitary homes make great individuals. This is so because clean houses usually have healthier people. Besides, it isn’t that hard to do some cleaning.

This is very important.

So how should any person do his or her cleaning? Well, there isn’t a definite “method” for everything and that includes tidying up. What’s important is that there’s the removal of bacteria and other pathogens from surfaces. Also, there should be waste disposal involved.

For some techniques that worked in my personal life, here’s what I have to share.

Clean Up After Yourself

Always clean immediately after eating. Throw your leftovers in the trash bin or store them for consumption later. Also, wash the dishes. You shouldn’t let any garbage stay in places other than where you dispose of your waste. That’s because they may attract pests. Other than that, dust, bacteria, and other things that may be harmful to your health may attach to them.

If you can’t wash your dishes right away because you’re too busy, get an automatic dishwasher. You should have one installed so that you could deal with dirty dishes without making a lot of effort. With this device, though, you need a space where you could install it well. It needs a nearby water source for cleaning. Other than that, you have to place it where you can also keep it away from pests. It does wash plates, cups, and other dinnerware but you can’t trust everything to such an appliance. After all, some food particles and liquids are sticky and may need manual removal.

Still, you need to think about your bathroom and toilet too. Some time within every single day, clean the toilet bowl where you urinate and defecate. After all, you don’t want to keep those filthy microorganisms there. Also, where you take a shower, you need to clear the drain of your fallen hairs and even dirt. Do these things to avoid any clogging issues.

Use Trash Bags and Have Garbage Bins in Different Rooms

Instead of throwing your garbage inside of trash bins, use bags to store your waste. With them, it would be easy for you to throw your filth later on. Inside of those bags, you might want to put some charcoals too. That’s to remove unwanted odors. Also, it would be best to have garbage containers in different rooms. Have one in your bathroom for your toilet, kitchen, and also bedroom. Keep these containers always closed when you’re not using them to keep pests out.

Invest in Great Cleaning Tools and Cleaning Agents

There is some essential equipment that your house has to have. To mention them, they are the broom, bucket, mop, feather duster, sponge, and brush. If you can spend more, it would be best to have a pressure washer, ladder, and vacuum cleaner. After all, they can shorten the cleaning time and often let you clean best.

As much as possible, you need to buy cleaning agents that are appropriate for surfaces. Know what you’re going to sanitize and then decide what to buy. Some are neutral, alkaline, and acidic so be careful. If you’re going to get rid of scaling then go for the acidic formulas. Alkaline products are for attacking rust and also dissolving fats from surfaces. If you aim to use an agent that can disperse different kinds of substances from areas then go for neutral items. Try to read the labels of glass, dish-washing, toilet, floor, and all-purpose cleaners. That’s to know what they contain and be wise when spending money.

Clean Up After Yourself

Always clean immediately after eating. Throw your leftovers in the trash bin or store them for consumption later. Also, wash the dishes. You shouldn’t let any garbage stay in places other than where you dispose of your waste. That’s because they may attract pests. Other than that, dust, bacteria, and other things that may be harmful to your health may attach to them.

If you can’t wash your dishes right away because you’re too busy, get an automatic dishwasher. You should have one installed so that you could deal with dirty dishes without making a lot of effort. With this device, though, you need a space where you could install it well. It needs a nearby water source for cleaning. Other than that, you have to place it where you can also keep it away from pests. It does wash plates, cups, and other dinnerware but you can’t trust everything to such an appliance. After all, some food particles and liquids are sticky and may need manual removal.

Still, you need to think about your bathroom and toilet too. Some time within every single day, clean the toilet bowl where you urinate and defecate. After all, you don’t want to keep those filthy microorganisms there. Also, where you take a shower, you need to clear the drain of your fallen hairs and even dirt. Do these things to avoid any clogging issues.

Use Trash Bags and Have Garbage Bins in Different Rooms

Instead of throwing your garbage inside of trash bins, use bags to store your waste. With them, it would be easy for you to throw your filth later on. Inside of those bags, you might want to put some charcoals too. That’s to remove unwanted odors. Also, it would be best to have garbage containers in different rooms. Have one in your bathroom for your toilet, kitchen, and also bedroom. Keep these containers always closed when you’re not using them to keep pests out.

Invest in Great Cleaning Tools and Cleaning Agents

There is some essential equipment that your house has to have. To mention them, they are the broom, bucket, mop, feather duster, sponge, and brush. If you can spend more, it would be best to have a pressure washer, ladder, and vacuum cleaner. After all, they can shorten the cleaning time and often let you clean best.

As much as possible, you need to buy cleaning agents that are appropriate for surfaces. Know what you’re going to sanitize and then decide what to buy. Some are neutral, alkaline, and acidic so be careful. If you’re going to get rid of scaling then go for the acidic formulas. Alkaline products are for attacking rust and also dissolving fats from surfaces. If you aim to use an agent that can disperse different kinds of substances from areas then go for neutral ones. Try to read the labels of glass, dish-washing, toilet, floor, and all-purpose cleaners. That’s to know what they contain and be wise when spending money.

Published by stayalivepaul

My name is Paul Kwauk, a graduate of BSCS at the Ateneo de Manila University. I'm currently a survivalist and hobbyist blogger. I may appear serious but I'm a fun-loving guy. My goal is to spread optimism, positivity, and practicalness through "Stay Alive Paul". I sincerely hope that you enjoy your stay on my page.

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