Drop Your Fears And Doubts About Guitar Playing

The guitar is one of the most versatile instruments that you can play. It might be intimidating to start playing, for some people. But I’m saying that there is no reason at all to feel terrified about trying it out. After all, we all learn and only a few turn out to be talented by birth at something. Usually, people practice to become better and guitar playing is a skill that one can develop. So that’s why you shouldn’t ever be afraid of playing.

Whether you’re alone or with someone else, you can enjoy using the instrument. It’s only that it’s natural to address specific concerns too. Here is my take on what makes people feel afraid of playing. Also, it has my opinion on why folks shouldn’t fear anything about it at all.

Playing Isn’t Going To Ruin Your Fingers

Doing something over and over again can cause some changes to the body. But that doesn’t mean that there would be severe changes that would happen. Usually, body deformities happen after an accident or when doing something very stressful. Guitar playing would only bend your fingers a bit to adjust to the repetitions you’re doing. Your digits would still function in the same way as they did even after playing for so long.

You’re right in saying that it can cause calluses to form. But it’s a natural way for the fingers to protect themselves. Your body creates thick skin on areas where friction happens. This is a good thing since you wouldn’t have to deal with pains anymore when there are surfaces.

So if your fingers are what you’re concerned about, don’t worry. They will be fine when you’re playing the guitar. If you would only accept that it’s part of using the instrument, you wouldn’t have anything to fear for.

Everybody Starts As An Amateur

It’s natural to feel like you could be good on your first try. But the thing about it is that almost everybody starts as having poor skills. No matter how well you’ve read instructional books or played in your mind, it’s different when you play. That’s because you still have to train your body to cooperate with your mind. When they’re already in sync with one another then you could have a decent skill already. You’ll be very good at playing when you’ve already mastered the basics. So start with the chords and a bit of solo even though you’ll hurt your fingers and hands in the process. Try to make your grip firm on the fretboard and neck. Work on your strumming, plucking, and picking. You’ll be great in time but be patient while you’re starting.

You Can Always Play Something Simple First

You don’t have to start with a song that you know is difficult to play. No one expects you to do that as a beginner. Rather, you should try going for the simplest ones. You’d be more productive that way. Usually, you’d progress faster through this approach. That would be because you would finish and even perfect songs faster. When you’ve got more accomplishments, you could tell yourself that you’re doing well. Your actions would serve as your affirmations.

If you’re expecting too much from yourself, you should stop and be humble. You can only do so much as someone who is starting. Keep doing the basics until you get things right. In learning songs, keep playing until you get every note there is to play. Likewise, you ought to work on playing without creating those hissing sounds. When you can produce clear music from a guitar, you’ll feel way better.

Published by stayalivepaul

My name is Paul Kwauk, a graduate of BSCS at the Ateneo de Manila University. I'm currently a survivalist and hobbyist blogger. I may appear serious but I'm a fun-loving guy. My goal is to spread optimism, positivity, and practicalness through "Stay Alive Paul". I sincerely hope that you enjoy your stay on my page.

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