Adulting Truths You Realize Before You Reach 40

When you’re in your 20’s or 30’s, people call you a full-grown adult. Well, it’s true since you’re way past your teenage years. At that time, people assume that you’re already equipped. That is to say, you’re ready to take on responsibilities well. Also, that is in knowing which things are necessary. The point is doing things expected of an adult. Usually, folks say life begins at 40. I disagree in that there are many things that those who are younger could learn. More and more people are learning about adulting as soon as they reach the legal age. Here are some of the things that many young adults nowadays have learned.

You Become More Accepting of Reality But Experience Regrets

When you’ve already learned about so many things, you become receptive to reality. That is to say, you know things and accept them for what they are. Yet, somehow, an adult person usually thinks about his or her past ideals. So, for a while, thoughts of denial and regret surface. But it’s natural to be this way since it’s the human condition to feel nostalgia and have wishful thinking. It’s only up to people to adapt and face realities as they are.

Boring is Normal

Once kids become adults, they are quick to learn that life has so many mundane things. Although there are pursuits and adventures, a lot in life is boring for the most part. That’s because it’s filled with essential tasks to do for survival. Yet this shouldn’t discourage you from enjoying life anyway. That’s because there are so many things that can give you pleasure.

Social media might make you feel that your life is more mundane than it is. But you shouldn’t feel depressed about it. Rather, you ought to see things for what they are. In social networking, people often share only the highlights of their lives. Some privileged individuals go around doing a lot of things. But, usually, people eat, work, have some leisure time, and sleep daily. That’s it. Some go on vacation from time to time while others challenge themselves to do feats. Everyone is unique but there is a sense of mundaneness to it all that should be normal.

Friendship Can Be Challenging as an Adult

When you’re still a kid, it may be easy for you to find friends. Even if you’re a loner as a child and there is peer pressure, it’s still easier to make friends. That is in comparison to making some as a grown person. That’s because an adult has things to think about and responsibilities to do. Making connections might not be difficult for some but maintaining them may be. That’s because mature individuals often stay together as friends out of mutual benefit. May it be physiological, psychological, or financial, there is usually a purpose. That is to say, people link together because they need something from one another. Children play with one another because of their fondness for each other’s company. When you’re an adult, you still feel that but focus more on companionship for its sake. Also, staying together for mutual gain.

You Feel Loneliness Sometimes and Sometimes Not At All

When you’re grown, you sense that you are lonely from time to time. That is because you’re no longer with your peers when you were younger. Aside from that, you also have things that preoccupy you more that aren’t as enjoyable as what you’re used to. You know that as a mature individual you have to focus more on working to earn your keep and saving resources. Aside from that, at most, you play or have some leisure to experience stress relief. Your colleagues are likely doing the same. So the human connection between people isn’t as strong as they were as children. Yet you must accept this part of life.

But, then again, you won’t feel as lonely when you haven’t built a solid connection with others. If you managed to establish a strong relationship with folks then good for you too. People don’t feel bothered by being alone when they’re used to it. Others who have friends and family enjoy having companionship too. So you wouldn’t have to worry if you’re feeling isolated for too long. You can always work on contacting acquaintances or those who are familiar with you. If not that, you have the option to appreciate the benefits of being alone.

Every Career Has a Downside

You realize when you’re already working that your job or business has pros and cons. You can be making a lot of money yet don’t have the time for leisure or relaxation. You might also have plenty of time to waste yet don’t have enough resources to fund your wants or even needs. For this issue, you only need to focus on what you can use and get rid of what you can’t. For instance, to not feel bad about doing what you’re doing, count your fortunes. You can also think fortunate about having worked as compared to those unemployed. Also, holding a position for a company or having your own business is a great thing. That’s because at least you have the opportunity to enjoy and improve. If what you’re doing isn’t making as well but you’re having fun, though, then the enjoyment part is your plus.

Published by stayalivepaul

My name is Paul Kwauk, a graduate of BSCS at the Ateneo de Manila University. I'm currently a survivalist and hobbyist blogger. I may appear serious but I'm a fun-loving guy. My goal is to spread optimism, positivity, and practicalness through "Stay Alive Paul". I sincerely hope that you enjoy your stay on my page.

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