Begin Escrima Training and Keep Going

If you’re fond of movies like Star Wars because of lightsaber fights, try escrima. That’s because the said discipline involves a lot of twirling and fancy movements. But it isn’t all about doing impressive things. This type of stick fighting is very practical. That is to say, it can be for self-defense. For fitness and functionality, it’s one of the best martial arts that anyone could pursue.

Escrima practitioners fighting.

But it isn’t all about starting. Rather, it’s beginning and then training for a long time. After all, you wouldn’t be able to gain that much from one session. Instead, you’ll have plenty of learnings and skills when you’d keep training.

Here are some of what I did to start and keep going when it comes to training with escrima.

Start With Your Mind

Of course, as with anything, begin with your mindset. Make yourself comfortable with the idea of doing some stick fighting. That is to say, you need to think about your motivation to start and stay interested. Also, you have to work on determination to have the discipline to exercise and push yourself. That’s because you can go through the pains and improve when you’re convinced that you can do a lot. That is regardless of whether you’re a beginner or seasoned practitioner. Many things could be your sources of inspiration too. It’s having the will to turn healthier and getting the benefit of being able to fight better.

You may feel discouraged at first but only have the will to keep it steady. Keep doing your research about it and practice the art. You will find secrets along the way and develop techniques of your own. Even old practitioners continue despite their mastery. It’s because of the continued benefits that anyone could have when practicing escrima.

Research and Apply

Studying the art can help you get the push to start training. It is in knowing what you’re in for wherein you’d get the value of it. Once you’ve finished studying topics about it, try to apply what you’ve learned. With or without professional and trained instructors, try your knowledge. Perform impact training, drills, and spar. Do whatever it is that you can to learn as you go along. In that way, you’ll be able to get the benefits.

Know what different sticks there are and the accessories available to put on. You might be comfortable with lighter sticks as compared to heavier ones. But others feel at ease with harder batons. Know about rattan, bahi, and kamagong sticks because they are the ones widely used. Yet you can also try reading about or even using those made of metal and plastic. Wearing protective gear is optional yet you may want to invest in them if you’re sparring with people. That is so you would reduce the impact that you receive. Plus, in wearing these things, you might boost your morale and feel more attached to the art.

Published by stayalivepaul

My name is Paul Kwauk, a graduate of BSCS at the Ateneo de Manila University. I'm currently a survivalist and hobbyist blogger. I may appear serious but I'm a fun-loving guy. My goal is to spread optimism, positivity, and practicalness through "Stay Alive Paul". I sincerely hope that you enjoy your stay on my page.

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